Bhutani Infra
Bhutani Infra

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Bhutani Cyberthum


After the grand success of I-thum & Alphathum Bhutani Group Noida launches the new commercial project Bhutani Cyberthum located in sector 140a Noida & approx. 1km far from the last landmark Alphathum Noida. 


Bhutani Alphathum


Alphathum has a largest commercial space at Noida Expressway. This 25 acres of commercial property is one of the recognized space in the market. It is a mixture of office complex, shops, malls etc. Godrej Plots Indore Located at Ujjain Road Madhya Pradesh New Residential Investing in one of these properties could be a step towards a fulfilling and peaceful living experience.


Bhutani Infra Group


Experience an all-new shopping experience with an amusement park which re-energizes your life in Grandthum Noida Extension. Pegged as greater Noida’s first organized air shopping center integrated with the amusement park and iconic office developments. The perfect place for short family breaks and shopaholic's paradise. A Hypermarket to effectively cater to the needs of the high density of population in Delhi and NCR.


BHUTANI INFRA - Inspired By Innovation

Some believe many good leaders are born not made, yet not many can remain strong leaders unless they constantly sharpen their skills and look for ways to grow. At

Bhutani Infra,
that remains our greatest impetus in growth. With the highest standards of deliveries all across Delhi and NCR over the last two decades, Bhutani Infra is on a continuous trajectory of evolution inspired by and creating best practices in the world of development.